'Visit Your Local Record Shop' (Short Sleeve)

The Coloring Lessons 'Visit Your Local Record Shop' unisex fit short sleeve t-shirt is made of smooth 100% ring spun cotton with double-needle stiching and a wider hem. Buy now for $25
As an ode to the record stores from our city, we wanted to create a cute t-shirt to commemorate them. We couldn't think of a better homage then to highlight some of our favorite shops around New York City.
Special shout out to the shops on the back–
2 Bridges
Music Arts
A1 Record Shop
Academy Records
Brooklyn Record Exchange
Captured Tracks
Cosmic Arts
Face Records
The Shop
Human Head Records
Rotten Island Records
Rough Trade
Second Hand Records
Superior Elevation
The Mixtape Shop
If you're around the way make sure to pay them a visit. Teach yourself a thing or two ;)
T-shirt modeled by Donis & Makayla Wray.
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